Together, we can make history. Together, we can find a cure.
We believe in the power of visual media to drive change and raise awareness. Sponsors have a unique opportunity to support a cause that touches millions of lives while gaining valuable exposure for their brand.

Join us on this remarkable journey to make a difference in the fight against Epilepsy. We've grown our impact and deepened connections with foundations globally.
Your sponsorship not only supports a vital cause but also provides your brand with valuable exposure. Together, we can raise awareness, break down stigma, and work towards a cure for this neurological condition.
This prominent recognition not only amplifies your association with our mission but also provides a unique platform to showcase your commitment to the film, arts, and community.

Discount codes: For festival passes & and tickets.
Recognition: Logo placement on our social media pages and website.
Online Presence: Company name and additional information on our website's front page. Credits: Bronze Sponsor.
Prominent Recognition and Credit: Permanent company logo featured in the film credits, size small.
Credits: Official Associate Partner/Silver Sponsor.
Exclusive Premiere Access: Two free tickets and reserved seating to the premiere.
Digital Engagement: Regular feature as a key partner on our social media platforms.
Event Presence: The company's logo is prominently displayed on our program and red carpet backdrop in small size.
Digital Access: Exclusive digital access to the finished film.
Prominent Recognition and Credit: Permanent company logo featured in the film credits, size medium.
Credit: Honary Producer + Gold Sponsor
Exclusive Premiere Access: Three free tickets and reserved seating to the premiere.
Digital Engagement: Regular feature as a key partner on our social media platforms.
Event Presence: Your company's logo prominently has its own solo screen at the theatre, on our program and the second large red carpet photo backdrop. Acknowledgement and promotion at the premiere.
Acknowledgement and promotion at the premiere.
Digital Access: Exclusive digital access to the finished film.
Credits: Executive Producer + Platinum Sponsor + IMDB credits.
Logo: Your logo is the second largest on all promotional materials.
Special Story Video Ad: We will craft a unique and engaging video ad that tells the story of your company's collaboration with our documentary posted on our social media stories.
Premiere Experience: Four free tickets to the documentary premiere and VIP seating.
Media Spotlight: Mentioned in one of our article press releases.
Enhanced Visibility: Featured as the main key sponsor prominently on our website's sponsorship page with detailed information and links to your business pages.
Exclusive Digital Rewards: Access to a premium digital version of the film.
Acknowledgment: Special recognition during our post-screening discussions, showcasing your company's vital role in our mission.
Event Branding: Your company's logo is displayed prominently on our event banners and promotional materials at the premiere.
Credits: Lead Executive Producer Credits + Platinum Sponsor credit + IMDB credits + Streaming Platform Credits for global audience interactions.
VIP Experience: Five Free Tickets to the premiere + VIP seating.
Special Video Shoutout: We will create a customized video shoutout ad for your company on our social media platforms showcasing your support for our documentary. The video will be professionally edited by our team. Logo: Your logo is the largest on all promotional materials.
Prominent Branding: Your company's logo is featured prominently in the film credits.
Event Recognition: Prominent placement on our program, theatre screen, and largest on red carpet backdrop. Press Engagement + Media Spotlight: Mentioned in one of our press releases, recognition as the lead in our press releases and press tour.
Leading Sponsor: Top billing on our sponsor's page as the leading Sponsor.
Exclusive Digital Access: Exclusive digital access to the finished film.
Prime Web Presence: Prime placement of your company name & and logo on the campaign website and instagram with a direct link to your business pages.
Logo and Name Appearances: Your company's logo and name will be featured at film festivals, giving you a global audience.

At 9, a deadly status epilepticus seizure brought me to the brink of life and death. Despite being told I'd outgrow them at 14, a subsequent week of three seizures confirmed a lifelong diagnosis. Through my journey, I discovered a lack of discussion about Epilepsy and SUDEP in both the healthcare and mainstream media. As a full-time professional in the film industry, I'm determined to raise awareness and spark a global conversation.
- Sabine Kahwaji